
November means Thanksgiving and saying what we are thankful for (and we Americans have a lot to be thankful for). Traveling is a good reminder of exactly how grateful I am for the opportunities that I have as an American because of my recent trip back to Eastern Europe. While

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How Millennials Can Help the Next Generation of Public Servants

It’s a tough time to be a young public servant, but there’s good news too if you look for it. The one constant in the world is change. Millennials are no longer at the bottom of the ladder, so it’s time to start thinking about the young people interested in

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Frequent travels enable me to view the world holistically. It helps with building and establishing long-term relationships that uplifts humanity. Opportunities come to those who knock or kick the door down; and the consciousness to leave it open for others to build upon. It’s one of the ways to ensure

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Understanding Millennial Culture

Understanding Millennial Culture

It was 8:30 a.m. on a typical Wednesday in Washington, D.C., and the Metro train was packed with people. Everyone was hustling and bustling to get to work. As the train made its stops, I held on to the handles and continued to keep watch of my surroundings. Not soon

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YGL Shares the Love

The desire to serve the public is ultimately what brings many members of the Young Government Leaders (YGL) community into civil service careers. This Valentine’s Day, YGL would like to share the love back to our community by highlighting some of the good deeds witnessed and or participated by our

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Work-Life Balance: Balancing the Scale for a Healthier and Happier Life

No, this is not a discussion about weight loss, exercise or nutritious eating. Though important factors of a healthier and happier life, this conversation is about managing change to foster a relevant balance. Major events throughout our lives can tip the scales and at the end of this article, I

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Dealing With Administration Change

Many of us haven’t been in federal service long enough to live through a change in administration so we sat down with members who have. This interview with Mitsu Asher and Terica Scott offers perspective and advice to help you prepare for the change and make the best of your

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Fathers Working in Government

Fathers Working in Government

Father’s Day is this month and we thought it would be a good time to hear from an inspired dad who raised one of this generation’s future young leaders. We also wanted to learn about his perspective on his children’s careers and on public service generally. Here are some of

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Mother's Day

Getting to Know YGL Moms on Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day and we thought it would be a good time to hear from some inspired moms who raised the next generation of young leaders and learn about their perspective on their children’s careers and on public service in general. Joni Pfeffer’s daughter Danielle is a YGL member

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Why I Joined YGL

Why I Joined YGL

I first heard about YGL from an ex-colleague just as I was starting my new career. The details she gave me were vague but it was enough to pique my curiosity. I researched the site and ended up signing up for the newsletter. Couldn’t hurt right? After all, the concept

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