YGL’s 2020 Inspired Leadership Development Program

Program Update: Due to on-going health and safety concerns, the program’s start and session dates have been delayed until further notice. All selected participants will be notified of the new program dates once there is no longer a health or safety concern. Applicants are encouraged to continue to apply for

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Free Leadership Development Program in DC

Young Government Leaders Inspired Leadership Development Program Application The 2019 YGL Leadership Development Program Application is currently closed as of July 12th, 2019. All those who applied for this program will be notified of their application status by August 3rd, 2019. If you were unable to meet the application deadline

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Leading with integrity is about doing the right thing at all times, regardless of whether there’s an audience. So many leaders choose the popular option in order to exhibit authority, even when their decisions are not rooted in strong moral principles. This goes against the essence of integrity, which is

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Frequent travels enable me to view the world holistically. It helps with building and establishing long-term relationships that uplifts humanity. Opportunities come to those who knock or kick the door down; and the consciousness to leave it open for others to build upon. It’s one of the ways to ensure

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Image courtesy of Edutopia.org

Change Management in Government Settings: Appreciation Can Help

To say that ‘change is occurring’ in government workplaces is a massive understatement. In fact, the amount and extent of change that is underway is almost too much for people to process. Even though change is a common occurrence in the government sector, it is almost always viewed negatively. No

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Dealing With Administration Change

Many of us haven’t been in federal service long enough to live through a change in administration so we sat down with members who have. This interview with Mitsu Asher and Terica Scott offers perspective and advice to help you prepare for the change and make the best of your

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What Does Being a Millennial Manager Look Like?

The next generation of inspired leaders is stepping up into supervisory and managerial roles more often as time goes on. Making that shift and finding a way to represent your values as a manager is tough. We asked some YGL members who have become managers relatively recently to share their

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Effective Writing

Effective Writing: How to Manage the White Space

In 1998, then President Bill Clinton issued a directive referred to as the “Plain Language Memo” in an effort to reinvent the way government communicates with the public. This directive was further enhanced by the “Plain Writing Act of 2010,” a directive signed by President Barack Obama that stated all

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Annual Report

2016 Summary: YGL National

YGL National had quite a year in 2016 and the leadership team is proud to share those accomplishments because we want you to see for yourself how your contributions helped other Millennials around the country solidify their influence within government and also how your dedication and hard work shaped the future of

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