Just Young(ish) Employees, Not Self-Centered Unicorns

Just Young(ish) Employees, Not Self-Centered Unicorns

Imagine the best boss you ever had. Now – think about the worst boss you ever had. What were their approximate ages? A professor once asked our class this very question. After going around the room, the wide range of answers made it clear that age is not what determines

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An Insight on the Thoughts of Millennials in Federal Government

Millennials have plenty to say about the federal government. Some of them are good, some of them, less so. The results of the joint Young Government Leaders (YGL) and Federal News Radio survey on their perspective on recruitment and retention provide a handful of takeaways. NOTE: There were 994 total

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Training and Development – A Benefit in Progress

The Fascination for Knowledge Millenials grew up with access to the latest technology and the Internet but they also saw the market crash in 2008. The increasingly high cost of living changed their outlook for the future and led them to reexamine their career goals. Nowadays, more Millennials are choosing

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Let Young Feds Solve the Government Demographic Crisis

GovExec recently reported that the IRS sees a looming demographics crisis caused by low recruitment of younger workers coupled with an ever-growing share of its workforce eligible for retirement: 40% by 2018.  As Commissioner Koskinen put it, “…if we don’t have enough young workers in the pipeline, the IRS will

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What the Future of Human Capital Looks Like

Deloitte released the results of its 2016 Annual Human Capital Trends Survey and the revelations were all too familiar. As it turns out, government employees are facing almost the same challenges as our private sector counterparts. Here were some of the highlights. The private sector is also concerned about demographics. From the report:

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