YGL’s Holiday Cookbook

Click on YGL’s Holiday Cookbook graphic or below link to access. YGL’s Holiday Cookbook A collection of holiday recipes from YGL members and their families.

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African American History facts

Please see the attachment for the presentation of African American History facts. African American History Facts-Jan-24-2020

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Southern and Serving

Growing up in rural Alabama, I never imagined I would eventually work in DC. Yet, the thrill of politics would pull me outside of my small town. I thought college would be my ticket out of Alabama, but my close family ties kept me in Birmingham, Alabama. At Samford University,

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How being scared of boot camp led me to a career in public service

How being scared of boot camp led me to a career in public service Travel back in time with me  … college Brittney was at Old Dominion University, changing her major for the third time. Marketing it was…this time. As I continued through those required classes I was craving something

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The Beauty of Public Service

  When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to help people. At first, I dreamed of being a teacher, then a veterinarian, then an attorney. I knew I wanted to serve others but never fully understood or thought about what it would be like to be a public

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Public Service Recognition Week

My name is Sheila, and I am currently the Vice President of YGL. I have served in the federal government for 9 years. I came into the government on an Arabic language program while I was in graduate school and currently work in national security policy. Over the past couple

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How to Best Communicate with your Teleworking Team

  For the first time in many of our lives, we’re having to learn how to communicate with our coworkers while being completely separated from them. Sure, some of us have done the occasional work from home once or twice a week, but that still allows us to see our

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Tips on Teleworking

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted everyone around the world in immense ways. For those who work in the federal government and in other certain job sectors, it has forced us into a new lifestyle, with social distancing, working remotely, canceling events, and trimming down our lifestyle. These changes are occurring in

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YGL’s 2020 Inspired Leadership Development Program

Program Update: Due to on-going health and safety concerns, the program’s start and session dates have been delayed until further notice. All selected participants will be notified of the new program dates once there is no longer a health or safety concern. Applicants are encouraged to continue to apply for

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Free Leadership Development Program in DC

Young Government Leaders Inspired Leadership Development Program Application The 2019 YGL Leadership Development Program Application is currently closed as of July 12th, 2019. All those who applied for this program will be notified of their application status by August 3rd, 2019. If you were unable to meet the application deadline

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