YGL’s mission is to provide early to mid-career public servants with the tools and support needed to lead from where you are and develop into leaders at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels, regardless of age, stage of career, or positional title.
YGL strives to be the premiere organization for learning, leadership development, and advocacy for emerging government leaders and to create a platform where members and partners can collaborate to address emerging workforce issues.
Service - United in the desire to serve community and country
Growth - Developing our members professionally and personally
Equity - Promoting fair access to opportunities for all government leaders
Diversity - Fostering a creative, diverse, and innovative workforce by embracing people of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, age, and other differences
YGL was founded in 2003 by a group of young government employees seeking new connections across federal agencies. Since then, YGL has grown to provide the authentic voice for young government leaders across federal, state, and local government. We are the only 501(c)(3) non-profit, professional organization founded by – and led by – young federal government employees.
YGL is organized into the National Leadership Team, the Chapters, and the Advisory Panel.
- The National Leadership Team coordinates all of YGL’s national programs and information sharing, as well as serving all members in the Washington, DC area with programming and events.
- The Chapters represent groups of YGL members in metropolitan areas around the country, with their own information sharing, programs, and events. They serve the needs of emerging leaders on the front lines of public service.
- The Advisory Panel provides senior-level strategic planning advice. Many members of the Panel have participated in YGL for many years and bring institutional knowledge and wisdom from having been there first.
The YGL National Leadership Team
The YGL Advisory Panel
Miguel Joey Aviles
Chief Office of Recruitment and Retention Programs,
Bureau of Land Management,Department of Interior
David Bray
Chief Information Officer, Federal Communications Commission
Karen Evans
National Director for the U.S. Cyber Challenge
Daniel Gephart
Editorial Director, LRP Productions
Virginia Hill
Manager, Partnership for Public Service, Past President, YGL
Martha Johnson
Former Administrator, GSA, Author, Speaker
Joshua Marcuse
Senior Advisor for Policy and Innovation, DOD, Chairman, YPFP
Steve Ressler
Founder, GovLoop
Co-Founder, YGL
Michelle Rosa
Enterprise Management Lead, U.S. Department of the Navy
Past President
Julie Saad
Communications Strategist, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
Bill Spencer
Clerk of the Board, US Merit Systems Protection Board
Al Tyree
Director, Graduate School USA
Dave Uejio
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Past President, YGL
Sharon Wong, Director
Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel Management