Educating, inspiring, and transforming current and future government leaders.

Tips on Teleworking

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted everyone around the world in immense ways. For those who work in the federal government and in other certain job sectors, it has forced us into a new lifestyle, with social distancing, working remotely, canceling events, and trimming down our lifestyle. These changes are occurring in the hopes of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Staying at home all day can be hard in many different ways for people. First of all, it can be hard to establish a routine when you are in the same setting for a long time, especially for those who may live in small apartments, and can be especially hard for those who may define themselves as extroverts. I have worked partially from home for the past 1.5 years and have learned how to enjoy it. I will provide some recommendations that will hopefully make working from home an easier transition for you. Working remotely can be a different challenge to manage, but there are many ways to still work effectively, while still maintaining the same effectiveness in your position.


Working remotely requires self-discipline, routine and communication. It can especially be a challenge for those who thrive on connecting with their colleagues one-on-one and for those who may need a clear separation from their home and work life. While the challenges are there, some positive points are that it can be a way to get away from distractions in the office, save money by eating from home, and provide more freedom to control your schedule. Here are some tidbits and tricks to working from home effectively:

  1. Make sure you have a comfortable space in your apartment or house dedicated to work. If you live in a small apartment like me, even try signifying a way that work has started, such as putting on calming music.
  2. Establish a routine of some sort throughout that day to keep you disciplined. Try to keep a routine that is similar to the office. For instance, if you find yourself getting distracted, for 5-10 minutes, do small exercises to get your blood pumping, such as walking up and down the stairs or burpees in the office.
  3. If you find yourself getting distracted, do productive procrastination. This may be doing possible cleaning activities around the house or apartment.
  4. Take little breaks throughout the whole day, like power naps, yoga, or mindfulness meditation.
  5. For those with pets, incorporate playtime with your pets every day, such as walking dogs. It may help your dogs get the attention they deserve, and also increase your own focus when you get back to work.
  6. Do not eat at the same place where you work at home. Eat somewhere else to allow you to relax and take a break from work.
  7. While you are teleworking, notice when you may be most productive. You may already know this from working in the office. Dedicate the most energy to work during that time.
  8. For some, it may be helpful to not be able to shower and get dressed until they complete a small amount of work first thing in the morning. As a result, it may better motivate you throughout the whole day.
  9. Lastly, call your colleagues, even for a small question. It will help to stay connected with them, and they may appreciate the call also.

Working remotely can be a challenge at first, but it can also have a lot of rewards, such as more flexibility and more time to spend with loved ones who also may be at home with you. Please feel free to use these recommendations and continue to see what works for you. For those with children and spouses who are also at home with you, there will also be a unique set of challenges to work through that may not have been addressed in this post. Please know Young Government Leaders is here to be a support for you, and also, please stay safe.

Written by:

Sehar Minhas

Sehar is a 2017 Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). She joined Young Government Leaders in October 2018. Click to read more.

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